Supreme Greens

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My golf green gets hammered by rain and hail

We got smashed by a hailstorm last week. It certainly knows how to rain up here (in QLD) but the rain last Wednesday was unbelievable…

It came from nowhere, one minute it was looking like a nice day and then, Whack! The rain came smashing down. Below you’ll find some images of the green – the hail was so heavy it was actually dangerous being outside…

Unbelievable rain and hail
Unbelievable rain and hail


The green was covered in ice
The green was covered in ice


More ice
More ice


I often get asked how well these greens handle poor weather conditions. The answer?

Unbelievably well. Supreme Greens (when installed by us) are built for drainage, firmness and impact absorption. It’s a combination that ensures your golf green will not only be very playable, but low maintenance and long lasting. The green was ready for use only 20 minutes after all this rain. It drains beautifully and still amazes me how well it performs. There was absolutely no damage or effects from all that rain and ice.

Sidenote: We had a stray horse enter the property the night before the hail. He did some damage to our main paddock but the green was spared. I did spot some hoof prints on the green (they were very faint) but the rain washed them away. The bottom line is a Supreme Green can handle almost anything you can throw at it – including horses and hail.