This is a tongue in cheek post to give you some ideas if you need help in convincing your wife to allow you to build a putting green.
I certainly pulled rank with Clare when I decided to install a green (granted, she did get me to move from Victoria to Queensland so I had some credits up my sleeve) and this year I’ve been asked more than once if there are any tips. Here’s 10 ideas you can help get your golf green over the line. Good luck!
1. They look fantastic. If your backyard is a little rundown then a putting green can certainly help. The grass always looks great, and if you finish it off with a little landscaping, then your backyard will look a treat.

2. You’ll spend more time at home. This is a big winner, especially if you’re the kind of bloke who plays golf most weekends. When you have your own putting green, you’ll definitely be spending more time at home. I certainly don’t play as much golf as I used to, there’s no need – I can get my golf fix by stepping out into the backyard.
3. The kids will love it. If you have kids then you can tell your wife that the kids will love it and quite possibly they’ll spend more time outside, rather than annoying mum inside the house. Just last week we had some family friends over and their 9 year old daughter said to her day, “Daddy, it would be great if we can get a putting green for home”.
4. They are low maintenance. This is important because if you’re like most Aussie men you’re not going to want to be outside servicing the thing. And the better half will certainly know that if a putting green was a lot of hard work, then you’d probably let the maintenance slip. But with a Supreme Green there’s very little work to worry about.
5. Great for entertaining. the putting green will become the focal point in the backyard. It’s a great spot for the guys to have a few beers while they solve the issues of the world and the kids can play on it (even if they don’t like golf). When the men and kids spend more time out of the house, this is usually a good thing.
6. Pet friendly. Dogs like these greens. It gives them a nice place to lie down and do some afternoon sun baking. I can’t speak for cats, but any dog will certainly be nice and happy if you can get the green decision over the line.
7. You’ll be happy. You can certainly tell your wife that a new putting green will make your day (maybe your year). You’ll be so happy that the chances of helping more around the house will be increased.
8. Your golf will improve. When you start seeing your scores come down your mood will certainly improve. This could lead to special dinners, flowers and maybe an extra trip away.
9. You’ll get to spend some quality time together. What’s marriage without a little competition? A putting green will give you both some time to have the odd putting comp – this surely can only bring you closer together.
10. A better backyard. If you can’t get the green over the line then maybe you’ve just got to come out and say, “Darling, look how much a golf green will improve the backyard?”